Studio Policies

updated 08/01/2022

1. Students are to arrive & start punctually for classes. Absence without prior notice / valid reason will not be accepted. No food or drinks are allowed in the premise / all studios. Parents are generally not allowed into the premise except for group classes (for age 6 & below) due to the statutory pandemic control requirements of which any of the updates shall supersede those of MusiKinder ArtSkool (hereafter named as Skool) listed herein.


2. All lesson schedules are generally not alterable – NO replacement for any lesson missed due to student’s absence or any cases like catastrophe, last-minute government-declared public holiday of some dire importance or emergency or any other circumstances which are beyond the control of the Skool. However, the instructor will replace the lesson if he/she cancels it.


3. All lesson fees are to be paid in full by interbank transfer / GIRO / PayNow / PayLah & alike) within the 1st calendar week for each new term even if replacement lessons are yet to be given (especially in the case of individual lessons). Fee paid after the first 14th day of any term will incur a penalty fee of $10 & thereafter – $20 after the 21st of the paying term (inclusive of any delayed transfer on the part of the bank). The Skool reserves the right to refuse lesson whilst fee is not fully paid. Students who wish to suspend classes for a term or more must pay lesson fee(s) for the missed term(s) to secure his/her learning slot.


4. One-month deposit of the lesson fee & a non-refundable registration fee are required for all regular lessons – new or returning students alike. All fees paid are not transferable nor refundable even if he/she stops coming for lesson in the middle of the term. Prorated fees (when deemed necessary by The Skool Management) are only applicable to the student’s 1st month of admission.


5. Student wishing to KIV lesson, is required to submit the duly completed KIV Form to the Skool at least one (1) full month in advance with any material borrowed from or belonging to the Skool (eg. CDs or Redemption Tokens) to be returned in whole before the KIV can take place.

Whilst intending to terminate lesson, student must (except in the case of expulsion) submit the duly completed Withdrawal Form to the Skool at least one (1) full month before the 1st day of the terminating term failing which he/she is liable to pay one term’s fee plus the full month deposit being forfeited except on special medical grounds. Material belonging to the Skool (as stated above) must be returned in whole before the full-month deposit could be refunded.

It is the Skool’s practice & culture right from the beginning & within the purview of its internal affairs / corporate governance that all refunds of any kind (including deposits) to be rendered in the form of cheques only. Just as the student comes for lessons in person, the payee (or its authorised representative) is required to collect & sign-off the cheque in person to avoid all possible & unnecessary misunderstanding or controversy. The failure on the part of the payee to collect or bank in / deposit the cheque prepared that renders it void for clearance (eg. due to its expiry) – the Skool would certainly deem it the choice of the payee to forfeit his/her refund & would not render any sort of replacement in any form. However, in some very rare consent by the Skool Managment in writing, where refund is finally approved, an administrative fee shall be charged – depends on the weight of the case & how much work & time are required to spend to expedite such.


6. Adjustment(s) of fees may occur with the promotion to the next level of learning – usually after the course completion or after the internal &/or external music examination periods & subject to the sole discretion of The Skool Management.


7. Student Handbook / Lesson Card & /or printed Skool Calendar supplied by the Skool must be brought along every lesson. Any replacement of this material will incur a replacement cost.


8. Upon enrolment & admission into the Skool, students &/or parents are deemed to have understood the Skool’s Studio Policies / Terms & Conditions / Rules & Regulations &/or Practice & Culture and are required to follow & observe all of them. Any revision of the Studio Policies (& alike) which supersedes all previous ones will be posted on the Skool’s website which is especially true in the context of the ever-changing situations due to the pandemic restriction & control imposed at the national level. It is the full responsibility of the students / parents to read themselves & abide by them.


9. For each academic calendar year, except for non-practical classes (eg. music theory), every student has 46 learning sessions (including 42 regular lessons with 4 compulsory class / performance hours – group master classes) for effective learning in accordance with our Skool’s curricular system, practice & culture.


When students are chosen to participate in concert or any other special event of performance or competition, they are not allowed to opt out after consents have been given by their parents. Attendance is greatly encouraged for all students to help support experiential activities organised by the Skool for the musical growth & profile-building of the student. Please refer to the Skool’s notices / newsletters posted on its various official social media platforms for the latest updates on all Skool’s activities.


As a matter of respect, The Skool Director’s opinion must first be sought before private enrolment for any competition or examination (practical / theory – related to the learning enrolled at the Skool) is done or before attending any other lesson / course / seminar / workshop / lecture / program / master class (given & conducted by other institutions / centres / studios / instructors) so as to prevent any unnecessary confusion, possible conflict of interest or incidence of misunderstanding.


10. Refusal / failure to abide by any of these Studio Policies or comply to any of the rules & regulations laid out by The Skool Management or show / practise disrespect in any kind to any Skool staff may result in the immediate expulsion of the student.


11. Photocopies of music scores or theory materials are not allowed to be used in the studios unless they are the backup copies of the originals one owns & possessed or materials provided are authored by the instructor himself/herself.


12. Individual lessons – students who wish to alter lesson schedules, may seek to swap timings with their peers learning under the same instructor (who must be informed in advance along with the same notice given to the Skool Admin Officer). The student is strongly advised to attend lessons regularly including the mentioned class/performance hours & concerts (along with other specially arranged but growth-related experiential events organised) failing which would certainly hamper his/her projected progress, mar effectiveness & hence affecting results for which the Skool & all its staffs are not liable in accordance with its learning curricular system that has been in place for many proven years.



Upon enrolment & admission into MusiKinder ArtSkool, the student &/or parent are deemed to have understood and shall abide by the Studio Policies along with the latest updates / revisions as stated above. MusiKinder ArtSkool will not accept and will not entertain any challenge or dispute put up by the student / parent with regards to any part of the Studio Policies including any future updates / revisions found on this site and shall not be liable to any case / consequence resulted due to such challenge / dispute lest MusiKinder ArtSkool loses its very focus / duty on building each student up while helping all learn music at their best optimal level with undivided attention and undisturbed joy & passion.